Owners & trainers bar on first floor

Bespoke staircase cladding and handrail

Hospitality suite bar on ground floor
The Brief
Working in partnership with Vision Commercial Kitchens, and with provisional designs from Harris Irwin Architects, our project management team designed a fully shop fit solution for two bar areas within the newly developed Owners & Trainers hospitality area, the Dales Stand.
Along with the two separate hospitality areas, Victor were also tasked with the installation of a bespoke balustrade and stairwell connecting the two.

The Equipment
This project presented the opportunity to demonstrate the craftmanship of our joinery team.
The two near identical bars are fully shop fitted and constructed from a combination of solid Oak, black Valchromat, and laminated MDF with white quartz worktops throughout.
The stairwell mirrors the design of the bars, with cascading Oak baton cladding perfectly setting off the solid Oak handrail.
- Tops: 20mm Suede finish Iconic White Silestone with square polished edge
- Fascia Panels: Oak balustrade polish finish with valchromat backing
- Interiors: Stainless steel interior with easy clean radius corners
- Plinths: Stainless steel to all exposed sides
- Bespoke Handrail: European Oak Blackened Moisture resistant MDF with Real Oak vertical batons

The Result
Opened by Rishi Sunak (at the time MP for Richmond, Yorkshire) on Friday 23rd April 2021, the newly erected Dales Stand Owners & Trainers facilities offer a two storey hospitality suite with access to viewing from outside the parade ring and the main grandstand area.